Selasa, 02 Juli 2013

Naskah Drama B.Indonesia

Contoh Naskah Drama 4 Orang
(Ketujuh orang tersebut berkumpul di KBRI Indonesia untuk Amerika dalam rangka HUT RI sehingga mereka terlibat pembicaraan ringan)
Syamsul: Alhamdulillah, senang rasanya bisa berkumpul dengan sesama orang Indonesia di negeri orang
Ibu Hendra: Iya, saya juga senang bisa ikut acara ini. kebetulan sayang tinggal agak lama disini karena menunggui anak yang habis melahirkan.
Rita: bagaimana kabar Indonesia bu Rita? sudah 4th saya tidak pulang ke indonesia
Ibu Hendra: Kebetulan saya tinggal di Lovina, Bali, Mbak Rita. Jadi suasananya tetap adem ayem. Tidak panas dan macet serta banyak demo seperti di Jakarta
Rita: terkadang saya kangen dengan suasana macetnya Jakarta tuh bu (sambil tertawa)
Johan: nasi dan tempenya itu llho yang selalu bikin kangen
Sheila: betul banget..kalau kangen tempe sudah tidak tertahankan, aku harus belanja ke Chinese market yang rasa tempenya jauh beda dengan tempe Indonesia
Rendi: kemarin saya bertemu dengan karyawan training yang berasal dari Belgia. Begitu dia tahu kalau saya dari Indonesia, dia langsung mengungkapakna keinginannya untuk mengunjungi Indonesia kembali. Dia sudah 3x ke Indonesia. terakhir dia mengunjungi Dieng dan dia sangat terobsesi bisa mengunjungi Karimunjawa..duh jadi malu saya. Soalnya saya malah belum pernah mengunjungi Dieng
Sigit: teman satu asrama saya juga selalu cerita tentang indahnya Indonesia..cerita tentang betapa tergila – gilanya dia dengan Indonesia
Ibu Hendra: Anaka saya sudah 15 tahun tinggal disini. Namun sekali saja saya tidak pernah mendengar dia ingin mengganti kewarganegaraannya
Syamsul: saya yakin bahwa kita semua yang ada disini ini bangga menjadi orang Indonesia. terlepas dari segala masalah yang melilit negara tercinta kita itu.
Murid 1
Murid 2, ketua kelas
Murid 3
Dalam suasana belajar mengajar di dalam kelas dan sedang dilakukan ulangan mendadak serta mengumpulkan tugas.
Guru: Anak – anak, silakan dikumpulkan tugas karya tulis minggu kemarin.
Murid 1: karya tulis dikumpulkan berdasarkan tema atau berdasarkan kelompok saja Bu?
Guru: berdasarkan kelompok saja..ayo ketua kelas dikumpulkan tugas karya tulis teman – temannya
(kemudian ketua kelas berjalan keliling mengumpulkan tugas karya tulis teman-temannya)
Guru: Karena ini merupakan tugas perorangan yang dikerjakan secara berkelompok, maka penilian akan dilakukan berdasarkan isi dari karya tulis dan keragan tema serta isi tulisan dalam satu kelompok.
Guru: Ayo kalau sudah selesai mengumpulkan tugas, masukkan tas dan buku kalian semua. Ibu akan mengadakan ulangan mendadak.
Murid 3: Hah, ulangan apa lagi bu? baru saja 2 hari yang lalu diadakan ulangan
Guru: ketua kelas, tolong dibagikan kertas folio ini ke semua siswa.
Murid 2: baik bu (sambil berjalan membagikan kertas folio. Suasana ruang kelas berubah menjadi gaduh karena setiap siswa mengeluh tentang diadakannya ulangan mendadak ini)
Guru: pada ulangan kali ini, Ibu ingin kalian menulis ulang tentang inti dari karya tulis yang kalian buat. Tulis garis besarnya saja beserta pokok – pokok kesimpulannya. Waktu yang diberikan untuk mengerjakan ulangan ini adalah 20 menit yang dimulai dari sekarang
(kemudian siswa hening dan sibuk mengerjakan ulangan. Sedangkan bu guru sibuk memeriksa tugas karya tulis yang tadi dikumpulkan. Ibu guru menemukan keanehan pada tugas karya tulis milik murid 1 dimana isinya sama persis dengan karya tulis milik murid 3. Setelah 20 menit berlalu, kemudian kertas ulangan dikumpulkan)
Guru: baiklah silakan kalian istirahat. Tolong murid 1 dan murid 3 tetap disini, Ibu mau bicara
(semua siswa keluar ruang kelas kecuali murid 1 dan murid 3)
Guru: Ibu minta kalian berdua jujur kepada Ibu. Kenapa isi tugas karya tulis kalian bisa sama persis, bahkan untuk titik dan komanya sekalipun.
Murid 1: saya mengerjakan karya tulis itu sendiri bu
Murid 3: saya juga mengerjakan karya tulis saya sendiri
Guru: Lalu, bagaimana dengan ulangan tadi. Mengapa isi dari jawaban ulangan kalian tidak sama dengan isi karya tulis kalian? bisa menjelaskan ke ibu?
(lama murid 1 dan murid 3 terdiam)
Guru: baiklah kalau kalian tidak mau mengaku, ibu anggap kalian tidak mengerjakan tugas karya tulis dan tidak mengikuti ulangan tadi
Murid 3: maaf bu. Kalau saya jujur, apakah kalau saya berkata jujur maka ibu akan memaafkan saya?
Guru: Ibu lebih menghargai sebuah kejujuran daripada harus melihat anak didik ibu melakukan hal yang tidak jujur.
Murid 3: saya mendapatkan materi untuk tugas karya tulis dari internet bu. Saya langsung copy paste dan tidak saya baca lagi. Itulah mengapa ulangan tadi tidak sama dengan isi karya tulis saya
Guru: baiklah, alasan bisa ibu terima
Guru: trus kamu murid 1, ada yang bisa dijelaskan ke ibu?
Murid 1: saya minta tolong adik saya mengerjakan tugas karya tulis itu bu. Dan kelihatannya dia mencari sumber dari internet. Maaf bu. Saya berjanji tidak akan mengulanginya lagi
Guru: Baiklah kalau begitu. Tugas karya tulis dan ulangan kalian ibu kembalikan. kalian harus membuat karya tulis lagi dan dikumpulkan dalam 3 hari. Setelah itu, kalian harus mengikuti ulangan susulan yang materinya masih akan ibu pikirkan.
Murid 1 dan Murid 3: baik bu
Contoh Naskah Drama 5 Orang

Berikut ini adalah contoh drama 5 orang yang mengangkat tema tentang ronda siskamling yang beberapa tahun terakhir ini mulai dilupakan masyarakat.
Pak Agus sebagai ketua RT
Pak Broto sebagai Hansip
Pak Bandi sebagai warga
pak Yono sebagai warga
Pak Eko sebagai warga
Setting drama berada di pos kamling saat mereka berlima sedang mendapat giliran ronda
Pak Agus: wah tetep ada yang absen ya malam ini
Pak Broto: sudah biasa pak..jarang sekali tim ronda dengan formasi lengkap
Pak Bandi: padahal kampung sebelah sudah 4 hari berturut – turut ada yang kemalingan
Pak Yono: loh, yang benar saja pak Bandi. Mosok sampai 4 hari berturut – turut?
Pak Bandi: iya betul..teman saya sekantor kan ada yang tinggal di kampung sebelah
Pak Eko: Bukannya kampung sebelah punya 4 hansip yang digilir siang – malam?
Pak Agus: wah, apapun alasannya kita tidak bisa hanya mengandalkan kerja hansip saja
Pak Broto: bukan untuk membela diri, tapi hansip kan juga manusia. Terkadang ada lengahnya juga. Jadi tetap harus didampingi oleh warga terkecuali jika dalam satu shift jaga terdiri dari minimal 2 orang hansip
Pak agus: saya pribadi kok kurang setuju ya dengan kebijakan penggantian uang bagi warga yang tidak ronda. Kesannya seperti meremehkan keamanan kampung . Padahal kemanan kampung sangat penting kan
Pak Bandi: iya betul pak RT. yang kaya dan punya uang jadi menggampangkan tugasnya untuk ikut ronda
Pak Yono: jadi malu saya. soalnya beberapa kali saya memilih untuk membayar denda daripada ikut ronda
Pak Agus: sudah lah Pak Yono, tidak apa-apa. Yang sudah terlanjur terjadi ya biar saja. yang penting setelah ini kita bersama – sama berpartisipasi dalam menjaga keamanan kampung

Dialog Bahasa Inggris

Contoh dialog bahasa Inggris 2 orang tentang liburan

Di bawah ini, ada sebuah contoh dialog bahasa Inggris 2 orang tentang liburan yang akan diperankan oleh dua orang sahabat bernama Dany dan Radit. Mereka sedang merencanakan sebuah liburan sekolah

Dany : Hi Radit. Our semester is almost over. Have you ever been planned for a summer holiday?

Radit : Actually, I have no plan. I am going to sleep all day.

Dany : Oh, come on.. You are kidding me.

Radit : Not really. Because I am going to a small village in the Guizhou province and do a lot of rest there. I just wanna have a peace.

Dany : Oh, come on man.. Guizhou is not a very popular tourist site right? It’s better for you to go to Hawaii or some other beach in Italy.

Radit : Exactly! That’s what I called a peace. I am not going to go to a crowded place with so many people have their own holiday. For me, it’s better to enjoying the trip to the great wall and feeling the nice atmosphere over there.

Dany : I’m sure about it. But, won’t Guizhou is too hot when you go at the summer?

Radit : I don’t think so. Because some of my friends told me that it’s very cold, because it is naturally filled with an “air conditioner”.

Dany : Ok, that’s sounds great for a summer holiday. If I plan to go to Beijing, I won’t heat myself. But, I am really wondering, are there any places that so worth to be seen?

Radit : Of course! First, there’s the great scenery. Have you ever heard a Maling Gorge that said to be spectacular? And, I like that province because there are so many mountains even in the capital city.

Dany : Yeah, I’ve heard some of those things, but won’t you get bored? It just a little scenery right?

Radit : Oh, come on Dany. If you go there, you will have so many plans to do. You can go hiking in Qian Park in Guiyang, going to a very historical city that Mao Ze Dong became the first leader, having a dinner with a delicious foods, drinking maotai, and meeting some beautiful girls.

Dany : That’s great. I believe that you will have a unique holiday at this summer. I will be waiting for your photos.

dialog bahasa inggris antara siswa dengan penjaga perpustakaan berikut ini:

STUDENT : I want to return these four books.

COUNTER CLERK : But two of these were due on Monday. You're late by three days. I'm afraid you'll have to pay the fine.

STUDENT : Oh yes, I know that. But ... I was sick and have not been able to come to college these four days. You condone the delay under special circumstances, don't you? And my sickness is a special circumstance, isn't it?

COUNTER CLERK : Yes, it is. But you should talk to the librarian. My duty is just to charge the fine if it is due according to the rules.

STUDENT : Very well, I'll see the librarian. Meanwhile, please issue me with these two books. Oh, wait a minute. I want another book too. Let me go to the racks and find out that one also.

COUNTER CLERK : OK, I'll wait and lend you all the three together.

STUDENT (later) : Here's the book I wanted. Now please issue them.

COUNTER CLERK : Would you sign here, please? And here also?

STUDENT : Oh, I want to point out something. In this book, one page is missing. It's page 231. You can have a look.

COUNTER CLERK : My,* somebody has torn it away! How callous! ... I must stamp page 230 to indicate that page 231 has been torn out.

STUDENT : Is this necessary?

COUNTER CLERK : Yes, very necessary. Otherwise this may be blamed on you, or the next borrower after you.

STUDENT : Thanks very much.

COUNTER CLERK : That's all right.

Contoh dialog bahasa Inggris 3 orang di hotel

Di bawah ini, terdapat dialog bahasa Inggris yang berbeda dimana terdapat dua orang sahabat bernama Andin dan Dini yang akan menginap di sebuah hotel. Mereka melakukan pembicaraan singkat dengan resepsionis di sebuah hotel. Oke, berikut dialognya.
Receptionist : Good night, what can I do for you?

Andin : My friend and I will be have a night here. Do you have a room?

Receptionist : Yes we have. Single or double?

Andin : Dini, would you like a single room or double?

Dini : Just a single room.

Andin : Well, single please.

Receptionist : Ok, I will check to my list to determine where your room.

Dini : I am sorry, is all the room completed with shower?

Receptionist : Oh, I forget to ask you. Do you like with a shower or a bath?

Dini : Shower, please.

Receptionist : Ok, that’s will be room 245 and $23.45 a night, including breakfast and dinner. How long will you stay here?

Andin : Just a night because tomorrow we will be back to Indonesia.

Receptionist : Indonesia? There are so many great places over there.

Andin : Yaph, thank you for your appreciate. I will pay it by a credit card and what time is dinner?

Receptionist : No problem we will facilitate it and you must be hurry because the restaurant will close 30 minutes again. This is the key and the bell boy will accompany all of you.

Andin : Thank you. 

Contoh dialog bahasa Inggris 4 orang tentang hobi

Di bawah ini, kami memberikan contoh dialog bahasa Inggris 4 orang yang akan membahas mengenai hobi yang mereka miliki satu sama lain. Mereka adalah sebuah kelompok sahabat yang sudah lama tidak bertemu dan memutuskan untuk duduk bersama di sebuah restoran. Saat ini, mereka hadir dengan hobi baru yang berbeda-beda.
Fadli: Hi Dina, long time no see you. You do not come together with Handi?

Dina: Yes, I'm with Handi, he was buying something out there.

Handi: Fadli, how are you?

Fadli: Finally you come, I've been waiting for a long time. I'm fine, how about you?

Handi: I'm very well today and am very happy to hang out together with you. Does Ari have here? I haven’t seen it.

Fadli: I've called him and he would come in 5 minutes.

Handi: I cannot wait to see him.

Dina: Yes, me too. He said that his business is so wonderful right now.

Fadli: So, what do you do now?

Dina: I was working at an insurance company and now I'm trying a new hobby.

Fadli: I am curious about your hobbies. What is it?

Dina: Ask to Handi.

Fadli: Handi, tell me what your new hobby now? And I will tell my hobby that is very interesting for you to try.

Handi: Well, I'll tell you but you must tell your new hobby later. We have a hobby called Jumping Stilts and known as an extreme sport and is currently so popular in Indonesia.

Dina: Yes, we join with community of Jumping Stilts Indonesia and practice every week at different places. We tried this hobby because there was a friend who was very good at doing Jumping Stilts. We were interested in, and then try it until now. What about you? What is your new hobby?

Fadli: I have a hobby that is not far from you. It is also an extreme sport that is so famous all over the world.

Dina: Let me guess, is it Parkour?

Fadli: No, this is a Bungee Jumping. A very extreme sport for your adrenaline.

Handi: We've heard for a long time and really got us interested. Can you tell me what places have you visited?

Fadli: Not many, but I'm very lucky to get a chance to try the beautiful places. I visited Bali in Indonesia. I've also been to Colorado, USA. It is the highest bungee jump in the world, positioned in 12th, located not far from the Grand Canyon National Park, USA. Has a 142m just above the Colorado River, right in the historic Navajo Bridge. With stunning wild amazing Grand Canyon make it a popular destination for bungee jumping.

Dina: Amazing. Your hobby is very spectacular and makes me want to try it.

Handi: You're crazy, it was great! Hey, Ari has come.

Fadli: Ari, why you so late? You missed the story on Bungee Jumping in Colorado.

Ari: I'm stuck in traffic. How are you all? Pleased to meet you. Hi Dina? You're here too?

Dina: Of course, we're telling some of our new hobby. What about you?

Ari: Last week, I climb Semeru, and next week I wanted to Papua.

Handi: Climb Jayawijaya?

Ari: Of course, you want to come?

Fadli: Fantastic, you have a new hobby that is very interesting to try. I want to go with you next week. Incidentally, I want to take time off for a thing, but I decided to go with you.

Ari: Is that true? I'm very glad if you could come. I have not talked to you and feel a togetherness as it used to. What about you guys? Handi, Dina, come or not?

Dina: I am going to come, and Handi would participate also.

Handi: Hey, I have not decided anything.

Ari: You have to come Handi, if you have the heart to let Dina walked alone up the Jayawijaya?

Handi: Let me join you all.

Fadli: This will be an amazing experience. We have never gone together since 6 years ago right?

Ari: I agree with you. This will be the best experience we have ever had. Ready to go to Jayawijaya?

Fadli, Handi, Dina: Of course.

Dialog Bahasa Inggris

Contoh dialog bahasa Inggris 2 orang tentang liburan

Di bawah ini, ada sebuah contoh dialog bahasa Inggris 2 orang tentang liburan yang akan diperankan oleh dua orang sahabat bernama Dany dan Radit. Mereka sedang merencanakan sebuah liburan sekolah

Dany : Hi Radit. Our semester is almost over. Have you ever been planned for a summer holiday?

Radit : Actually, I have no plan. I am going to sleep all day.

Dany : Oh, come on.. You are kidding me.

Radit : Not really. Because I am going to a small village in the Guizhou province and do a lot of rest there. I just wanna have a peace.

Dany : Oh, come on man.. Guizhou is not a very popular tourist site right? It’s better for you to go to Hawaii or some other beach in Italy.

Radit : Exactly! That’s what I called a peace. I am not going to go to a crowded place with so many people have their own holiday. For me, it’s better to enjoying the trip to the great wall and feeling the nice atmosphere over there.

Dany : I’m sure about it. But, won’t Guizhou is too hot when you go at the summer?

Radit : I don’t think so. Because some of my friends told me that it’s very cold, because it is naturally filled with an “air conditioner”.

Dany : Ok, that’s sounds great for a summer holiday. If I plan to go to Beijing, I won’t heat myself. But, I am really wondering, are there any places that so worth to be seen?

Radit : Of course! First, there’s the great scenery. Have you ever heard a Maling Gorge that said to be spectacular? And, I like that province because there are so many mountains even in the capital city.

Dany : Yeah, I’ve heard some of those things, but won’t you get bored? It just a little scenery right?

Radit : Oh, come on Dany. If you go there, you will have so many plans to do. You can go hiking in Qian Park in Guiyang, going to a very historical city that Mao Ze Dong became the first leader, having a dinner with a delicious foods, drinking maotai, and meeting some beautiful girls.

Dany : That’s great. I believe that you will have a unique holiday at this summer. I will be waiting for your photos.

dialog bahasa inggris antara siswa dengan penjaga perpustakaan berikut ini:

STUDENT : I want to return these four books.

COUNTER CLERK : But two of these were due on Monday. You're late by three days. I'm afraid you'll have to pay the fine.

STUDENT : Oh yes, I know that. But ... I was sick and have not been able to come to college these four days. You condone the delay under special circumstances, don't you? And my sickness is a special circumstance, isn't it?

COUNTER CLERK : Yes, it is. But you should talk to the librarian. My duty is just to charge the fine if it is due according to the rules.

STUDENT : Very well, I'll see the librarian. Meanwhile, please issue me with these two books. Oh, wait a minute. I want another book too. Let me go to the racks and find out that one also.

COUNTER CLERK : OK, I'll wait and lend you all the three together.

STUDENT (later) : Here's the book I wanted. Now please issue them.

COUNTER CLERK : Would you sign here, please? And here also?

STUDENT : Oh, I want to point out something. In this book, one page is missing. It's page 231. You can have a look.

COUNTER CLERK : My,* somebody has torn it away! How callous! ... I must stamp page 230 to indicate that page 231 has been torn out.

STUDENT : Is this necessary?

COUNTER CLERK : Yes, very necessary. Otherwise this may be blamed on you, or the next borrower after you.

STUDENT : Thanks very much.

COUNTER CLERK : That's all right.

Contoh dialog bahasa Inggris 3 orang di hotel

Di bawah ini, terdapat dialog bahasa Inggris yang berbeda dimana terdapat dua orang sahabat bernama Andin dan Dini yang akan menginap di sebuah hotel. Mereka melakukan pembicaraan singkat dengan resepsionis di sebuah hotel. Oke, berikut dialognya.
Receptionist : Good night, what can I do for you?

Andin : My friend and I will be have a night here. Do you have a room?

Receptionist : Yes we have. Single or double?

Andin : Dini, would you like a single room or double?

Dini : Just a single room.

Andin : Well, single please.

Receptionist : Ok, I will check to my list to determine where your room.

Dini : I am sorry, is all the room completed with shower?

Receptionist : Oh, I forget to ask you. Do you like with a shower or a bath?

Dini : Shower, please.

Receptionist : Ok, that’s will be room 245 and $23.45 a night, including breakfast and dinner. How long will you stay here?

Andin : Just a night because tomorrow we will be back to Indonesia.

Receptionist : Indonesia? There are so many great places over there.

Andin : Yaph, thank you for your appreciate. I will pay it by a credit card and what time is dinner?

Receptionist : No problem we will facilitate it and you must be hurry because the restaurant will close 30 minutes again. This is the key and the bell boy will accompany all of you.

Andin : Thank you. 

Contoh dialog bahasa Inggris 4 orang tentang hobi

Di bawah ini, kami memberikan contoh dialog bahasa Inggris 4 orang yang akan membahas mengenai hobi yang mereka miliki satu sama lain. Mereka adalah sebuah kelompok sahabat yang sudah lama tidak bertemu dan memutuskan untuk duduk bersama di sebuah restoran. Saat ini, mereka hadir dengan hobi baru yang berbeda-beda.
Fadli: Hi Dina, long time no see you. You do not come together with Handi?

Dina: Yes, I'm with Handi, he was buying something out there.

Handi: Fadli, how are you?

Fadli: Finally you come, I've been waiting for a long time. I'm fine, how about you?

Handi: I'm very well today and am very happy to hang out together with you. Does Ari have here? I haven’t seen it.

Fadli: I've called him and he would come in 5 minutes.

Handi: I cannot wait to see him.

Dina: Yes, me too. He said that his business is so wonderful right now.

Fadli: So, what do you do now?

Dina: I was working at an insurance company and now I'm trying a new hobby.

Fadli: I am curious about your hobbies. What is it?

Dina: Ask to Handi.

Fadli: Handi, tell me what your new hobby now? And I will tell my hobby that is very interesting for you to try.

Handi: Well, I'll tell you but you must tell your new hobby later. We have a hobby called Jumping Stilts and known as an extreme sport and is currently so popular in Indonesia.

Dina: Yes, we join with community of Jumping Stilts Indonesia and practice every week at different places. We tried this hobby because there was a friend who was very good at doing Jumping Stilts. We were interested in, and then try it until now. What about you? What is your new hobby?

Fadli: I have a hobby that is not far from you. It is also an extreme sport that is so famous all over the world.

Dina: Let me guess, is it Parkour?

Fadli: No, this is a Bungee Jumping. A very extreme sport for your adrenaline.

Handi: We've heard for a long time and really got us interested. Can you tell me what places have you visited?

Fadli: Not many, but I'm very lucky to get a chance to try the beautiful places. I visited Bali in Indonesia. I've also been to Colorado, USA. It is the highest bungee jump in the world, positioned in 12th, located not far from the Grand Canyon National Park, USA. Has a 142m just above the Colorado River, right in the historic Navajo Bridge. With stunning wild amazing Grand Canyon make it a popular destination for bungee jumping.

Dina: Amazing. Your hobby is very spectacular and makes me want to try it.

Handi: You're crazy, it was great! Hey, Ari has come.

Fadli: Ari, why you so late? You missed the story on Bungee Jumping in Colorado.

Ari: I'm stuck in traffic. How are you all? Pleased to meet you. Hi Dina? You're here too?

Dina: Of course, we're telling some of our new hobby. What about you?

Ari: Last week, I climb Semeru, and next week I wanted to Papua.

Handi: Climb Jayawijaya?

Ari: Of course, you want to come?

Fadli: Fantastic, you have a new hobby that is very interesting to try. I want to go with you next week. Incidentally, I want to take time off for a thing, but I decided to go with you.

Ari: Is that true? I'm very glad if you could come. I have not talked to you and feel a togetherness as it used to. What about you guys? Handi, Dina, come or not?

Dina: I am going to come, and Handi would participate also.

Handi: Hey, I have not decided anything.

Ari: You have to come Handi, if you have the heart to let Dina walked alone up the Jayawijaya?

Handi: Let me join you all.

Fadli: This will be an amazing experience. We have never gone together since 6 years ago right?

Ari: I agree with you. This will be the best experience we have ever had. Ready to go to Jayawijaya?

Fadli, Handi, Dina: Of course.